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Why some people always feel cold while others are always hot !

Why some people always feel cold while others are always hot !
Why some people always feel cold while others are always hot !
Most of us know that one person who always walks around without so much as a warm hat to wear even when it’s ferociously cold, as well as that other person who continuously complains about being freezing even on a scorching hot day.

We decided it was high time to figure out just what exactly is going on here.

So, what’s the reason?

Why some people always feel cold while others are always hot !
Why some people always feel cold while others are always hot !
  • If you’ve ever felt a sudden bout of the chills or a feverish heat and yet there’s no change in the surrounding room or outside temperature, it might simply be that you’ve fallen seriously ill. If you suspect this might be the case, there’s not much you can do about it yourself — just go to a doctor straight away.
  • If you find that everyone at work is wrapped up in warm clothing whilst your sitting sweating in a thin blouse or shirt, then it may very well be that your higher body temperature is the result of stress caused by a tough work schedule, or family/relationship problems. The only thing you can do here is learn to deal with life better. Let go of worries and thoughts that really aren’t important, and think positively.
  • Even if the temperature in the room or outside is normal, many of us may feel somewhat off based on our emotional state. Reports show that when people feel isolated, alone or depressed, they are more likely to feel the shivers. The opposite is true for the times we feel connected and more social. That warm, fuzzy feeling that happens when you’re surrounded by people you love spending time with? It really is a physical feeling that makes us more receptive to heat and leaves us feeling warmer and happier than if we were surrounded by strangers.
Four methods for dealing with a higher/lower body temperature:

  1. It might sound obvious, but wear the right clothing according to the weather. We all know how much we need to wrap up or dress down in cold and hot weather; let the view outside the window help you decide what to take out of your wardrobe for the day.
  2. Certain foods in different climates will help our internal balance of hot and cold take place, such as eating soups and carbohydrates to stay warm during the winter months. Vegetables and greens along with lightly portioned meals should benefit you during the hotter, summer months.
  3. Setting the thermostat between 70-75 degrees will also help you maintain the perfect temperature for the average person, and finding your sweet spot in that range is crucial to feeling comfortable.
  4. The final trick to avoid extreme heat or cold may just be in our heads. Apparently,visualizing warmer places like tropical paradises is actually proven to release chemical endorphins that assist in maintaining body heat.


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