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Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes

Album photos Collection N#282

Japanese artist Yoshida Okada set the lacquer boxes as a contemporary art that was the object of collections. An art that was famous at the Heian periode in Japon (794 – 1185). He inserts his creation in our time by ornamenting it with enchanting illustrations with Nature as main theme.

Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes - Image N#1 
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes - Image N#2 
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes - Image N#3 
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes - Image N#4 
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes - Image N#5 
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes - Image N#6 
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes - Image N#7 
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes - Image N#8 
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes
Beautiful Contemporary Lacquer Boxes - Image N#9


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