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Birds: The Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green Pigeon

Album photos Collection N#426

What does it look like?

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#1


The Superb Fruit-Dove is a small colourful pigeon of the tree canopy. It is a compact bird, with short rounded wings and a short tail. The male has a purple crown, an orange hindneck, a blue-black breastband that separates a grey upper breast from white underparts. These are partly barred green, and the rest of the body is green. The green tail has grey tips. The female is green, with a grey breast and white underparts. There is a smallish purple patch on the crown. Young birds resemble females but lack the purple crown patch. This species is also called the Purple-crowned Fruit Dove or Pigeon, or the Superb Fruit-Pigeon.

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#2

Similar species: 

The Superb Fruit-Dove is similar in size and, from the ground, often difficult to distinguish from the Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove, P. regina, when high in the forest canopy. However, at closer quarters the male Superb Fruit-Dove is much more striking and, like the male, the female has white underparts partly barred at the sides with green, in contrast to the apricot-yellow underparts of both sexes of the Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove.

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#3

Where does it live?


The Superb Fruit-Dove is found along the coast and nearby ranges of Queensland and New South Wales south to Moruya.

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#4


The Superb Fruit-Dove is found in rainforests, rainforest margins, mangroves, wooded stream-margins, and even isolated figs, lilly pillies and pittosporums.

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#5

Seasonal movements: 

The Superb Fruit-Dove may migrate to New Guinea in winter, but little is known of its movements, or the reasons for its sometimes southerly flights as far as Tasmania.

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#6

What does it do?

Superb Fruit-Doves are arboreal (living entirely in trees) and feed almost exclusively on fruit, mainly in large trees. They have a large gape, which allows them to swallow bulky items.

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#7


Superb Fruit-Doves build a flimsy platform nest of twigs in bushy trees from 5 m - 30 m above the ground. The female incubates the eggs at night while the male incubates by day.

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#8

Living with us

Clearing of their forest habitat restricts access to fruit by Superb Fruit-Doves. They are listed as vulnerable in New South Wales. As they often move at night, many young birds fly into windows of buildings during their north-south movements.

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#9

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#10

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#11

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#12

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#13

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#14

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#15

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#16

Superb Fruit-Dove | A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
The fruit doves, also known as fruit pigeons - Image N#17
A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon

A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
 A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon - Image N#1

A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon - Image N#2

A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon - Image N#3

A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon
A Rare Pink-Necked Green #Pigeon - Image N#4


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